Dream Camp Seattle

7 Campers. 7 Days. 1 Dream.

Watch below

Short film

Anonymous feedback form: Link


Rough cut
Anonymous feedback form: Link

Film Synopsis

Seven at-risk young adults
who have faced many challenges
travel to Seattle, Washington.

For one week
campers and staff
come together building friendships
in a safe and nurturing environment.

Using Apple products, the campers share
Their experience with you in this short film.

Awards / Festival Schedule


Information coming soon.

Online / Virtual

Information coming soon.


Information coming soon.

The Dream Camp Foundation,

Buggle Productions &

The DeRienzo Foundation


At risk individuals facing challenges and those in the LGBTQIA+ community.


Providing access to individuals and education programs that inspire personal growth and positive change.


Connecting individuals with self-advocating resources. Demonstrating the importance of learning how to overcome coming challenges and staying in an open mindset.


Building lifelong relationships through Dream Camps and other programs funded by nonprofits and volunteers.


Providing the training and tools needed to support a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

Request a DVD

We would love to send you a copy of the film,
along with a free fun-sized poster.

Contact us to request a copy.